For appointments: 1 203 661 7546|40 West Elm Street, Greenwich CT 06830
For appointments call 1 203 661 7546

Non-Melanoma Skin Cancer

Visit our Dermatology Clinic in Greenwich, Connecticut

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  • There has been an alarming rise in precancerous lesions called actinic keratoses (AKs), as well as in basal cell and squamous cell carcinomas, the most common skin cancers, especially in the young.
  • Please remember that significant sun exposure incurred before the age of 20 often leads to cancer 10 to 20 years later and to wrinkles even sooner.
  • We strongly recommend that patients undergo at least one baseline total body skin exam during which each square inch of skin and all moles are examined. The frequency of these exams will be determined by the skin’s condition and personal and family history of melanoma. With each first time total body check we teach our patients how to recognize the early warning signs of skin cancer.
  • Suspicious lesions are usually biopsied immediately and sent for histopathological examination to Yale, New Haven. All mole and skin cancer surgeries are performed in the office, under local anesthesia, by Henry Gasiorowski MD. Patients requiring Mohs’ surgery are referred to the best Mohs’ specialists.


We specialize in diagnosing and treating precancerous lesions, such as actinic keratoses (AKs), as well as the most common forms of skin cancer: basal cell and squamous cell carcinomas.

A baseline total body skin exam is crucial for early detection of skin cancer. It involves examining every square inch of skin and all moles. This comprehensive check helps identify any suspicious lesions early on, which is key in effective treatment and prevention.

The frequency of total body skin exams depends on your skin’s condition, personal health history, and family history of melanoma or other skin cancers. We determine the appropriate frequency during your initial consultation.

If we find a suspicious lesion during the exam, it is usually biopsied immediately. The sample is sent for histopathological examination to determine the nature of the lesion and the appropriate course of treatment.

We offer a range of treatments for non-melanoma skin cancers, including surgical removal of moles and cancers under local anesthesia. For more complex cases requiring Mohs’ surgery, we refer patients to highly skilled Mohs’ specialists.

Yes, significant sun exposure, especially before the age of 20, can lead to skin cancer later in life. It's important to practice sun safety and undergo regular skin checks to detect any potential issues early.

Take Early Action Against Skin Cancer Risks

Take Early Action Against Skin Cancer Risks

Act early against skin cancer risks with Greenwich Dermatology Clinic. Our dedicated team offers comprehensive skin exams to detect precancerous lesions and skin cancers at their earliest stages. Early detection is key to successful treatment. Contact us now and take a proactive step towards lifelong skin wellness with our expert care.